Our Bitter Ruin
By Miriam B
Published 23 June 2021
As I journey up its gravel river, away from the home I knew, I’m left
Consumed, Isolated, confused
Because beneath its emerald blades and tan bark,
There is thick, velvety, deceit.
I’m trapped in a haze.
Misinformed by the notion that this was going to be eternal.
That I would bake under its scintillating flame forever.
And be embraced by its grassy plane until the end of time.
Fed the misconception of everlasting tranquility, peace, youth.
If I had remained naïve, I would’ve upheld my optimism.
The ideology that the trees that stood, towering over me, would stand with me until the sunset on tomorrows tomorrow.
And that they wouldn’t fall to just a stump.
And that the cicadas that chirped, clinging various trees,
Would cling to me,
And not deteriorate to a mere carcass.
I’ve been mislead.
Mislead to believe we could keep something beautiful.
Without inflicting our bitter ruin.