Forest green with plant like patterns

Facial-features and feet, child-like, drawn on with blue texta

Amateur green stitching around the edges

Frayed at the top, a tuft of hair


Cotton fabric feels soft within my fingers

The lumpy stuffing reminds me that

When I made it i was also making a friend

Just because it can't speak doesn't mean it can't listen


I tell it all my worries and I forget them

I tell it all my happy memories

And every time I look at it

I remember


During the day it sits on my pillow

Its friend, Snowie, a small white teddy bear with a pink bow tie

Sits beside it, always

There they both wait patiently for me to come home


At night it loyally lies beside me

There it comforts me

Wards off the bad dreams while I'm asleep

So that I wake up in peace