Memories of tears lay hidden, sealed within its stitches,
Secrets stowed away from sight told and kept throughout the night,
The warmth of its hold kept back the hurt, hold me tight and remove the struggle.
Take me back, the child whispered out into the darkness.
Patchwork barrier blocked the yells as the child’s dreams flowered and bloomed.
Morning came as promised, but eyes were glazed and smiles forced into place.
Never mentioned was the storm, nor the tears.
Light stayed longer that day, held by the quilt,
Pushing the oncoming tempest far, far away.
That night, the cloth whispered stories of pirates and princess and daring knights.
Wispy white patterns weaved their way through the fabric,
Holding tight to their hidden texts.
A child’s hand runs along the trim, forever reaching the end of the bed,
Words written in black, etched upon the flowered print
A message so direct hidden from view within the center of a flower in full bloom:
‘Hopes and history met with this thing
a dream and a promise etched upon its skin
night never reached beyond its walls
promises kept and secrets still silent
this quilt, it’s mine from the day I was 8 years old.’