Spray over here, spray over there,
I'll spread this scent everywhere,
This is the scent of sweet religion,
and the scent should go to every region.

In the religion of Christianity,
good thoughts should spread in humanity,
look at Noah,
look at Moses,
the scent of perfume is definitely working!

Look at all the Hindus worshiping,
flowers and coconuts are left for offering,
look at Krishna,
look at Sudhama,
the scent of perfume is definitely working!

At night there's a girl doing Isha,
and her sweet name is Militia,
look at Allah,
look at Mohammad,
the scent of perfume is definitely working!

Spray over here, spray over there,
no more sprays I shall need,
this is the scent of sweet religion,
and the scent should go to every region.