She was orange and fluffy,
She was at the cat store,
And the soft fur surrounding her,
Would be pampered, galore!

The little orange kitty,
Pumpkin, that’s her name!
She’s a runaway cat from Rockingham,
And all our hearts, she did claim.

From the first time she saw our house,
and saw her sister, Smudge,
She knew she would be happy here,
And she wouldn’t want to budge.

The little orange kitty,
Pumpkin, that’s her name!
She’s a runaway cat from Rockingham,
And all our hearts, she did claim.
But alas, all is not always well,
Pumpkin fell terribly sick,
And she gave a tiny, little “meow”,
We hoped she would recover quick,

The little orange kitty,
Pumpkin, that’s her name!
She’s a runaway cat from Rockingham,
And all our hearts, she did claim.

She spent some nights in ICU,
And was monitored, all the time!
However, recover she did!
And death did do no crime.

The little orange kitty,
Pumpkin, that’s her name!
She’s a runaway cat from Rockingham,
And all our hearts, she did claim.

She pushed through her illness,
Just as strong as a tiger,
Pushing through tough times,
There’s no other cat just like her.

The little orange kitty,
Pumpkin, that’s her name!
She’s a runaway cat from Rockingham,
And all our hearts, she did claim.

Pumpkin, the cat who survived,
A very serious disease,
All who see her love her,
And she can charm with ease,

The little orange tiger,
Pumpkin, that’s her name!
She’s a runaway cat from Rockingham,
And to survive was her aim.

The End.