By Declan B
Published 22 September 2023
Some soft some white some even orange. Soft silky fur impossible to roughen. Exploring in the saltbushes, a little bit of dirt on their fur but still delightfully smooth and soft. Hopping freely but aware of predators. Still hopping then hiding from the eagles that want a snack, aware of snakes in the bushes. Waiting, time flies by, waiting, finally coming out. Just to hop a little, until they notice. Snap, taken away by the group of eagles. The groups of rabbits watching the eagles having their meal. Some rabbits ignore, some even hop away but most are sad. Its brothers and sisters are crying, most of all the parents. Every rabbit walking away sad, so sad. What is that another rabbit, hopping behind the group, oh it’s just a random rabbit? Hang on that’s him how did he survive? He hopped to his family they were all happy, but how?