The wind was busy howling,
As the animals start growling,
Hidden beneath the crust is a must,
To find a treasure,
So I measure
The distance I shall go,
I start to go down low.

I found a clue,
That read out 'did you come for the flu?'
I thought it was trick,
So I chucked it out with a flick,
I went further down and sneezed,
Which felt like a breeze,
I dug around
On the ground.

I was feeling cold,
But I was bold,
So I dug deeper and deeper by the hour,
Finally I found some flour,
I sneezed again and the flour was blown away,
I felt sad and ran away,
There is no hope now,
So I frown.

I came here for the flu, I realise
That was no joke after all as I thought it was lies,
I saw a drill coming my way,
Thinking it was my day,
The drill took me up to the surface,
And there was a huge smile on my face

Finally I'm home,
Which was a dome,
I lay back
On a couch and listen to my music track,
I drank some hot tea,
With my pet bumblebee,
This was the best and the scariest day ever,
Now I know not to be greedy forever.