As I opened the chest, two gold rings fall out.
Their dull murky exterior, hiding secrets and doubts.
Looking at the ring, the memories start to stir.
Everything I desperately hid, all come back in a blur.

Just like the ocean water, slowly washing away.
The footprints on the sand, that are on for display.
Who will wash away my tears? Who will get rid of the pain?
These tears so aching that fall down like rain.

These footprints that you left, that dug into my heart.
As you abandoned me in grief, we forever apart.
Like paper that was crumpled, or a bowl that was broken.
Always creases and cracks, that will be a harsh token.
My heart was broken, It can never be the same.
Carrying a scar for life, will you take the blame?

It is your fault not mine, for we were forever bound.
But it is you who betrayed me, not the other way around.
The promise we both shared, in our never-ending love.
Was broken by you, you who chose to go above.