Off we go another year!
Beyond the horizon it’s family here.
As the boat drops us off, we shed a tear.
Beyond the horizon it’s family here.

Riding my bike, I feel free!
Going through the island, as far as the eye can see.
'Come on, come one!' my brother says to me.
Going through the island, as far as the eye can see.

My face stinging in the sun.
I slow down, I’m not the only one.
As my brother trips on the run.
I slow down, I’m not the only one.

We rush him to the hospital, as fast as we can.
I can see the scar, directly on his hand.
My cousin asks, 'Will he be ok?' I reply 'This wasn’t in our plan…'
I can see the scar, directly on his hand.

It seems our adventure is at an end.
Goodbye see you soon, good friend.
Leaving the island seems to be a trend.
Goodbye see you soon, good friend.