Scenes of the Heart
By Elena F
Published 27 September 2024
I've lived many places,
Across the globe and over the seven seas,
But Australia and her nature has my heart,
From her beautiful beaches to her forests and lakes,
I've always had that connection with the earth,
With the woods, the trees, and the plants,
Camping with some of my favorite people,
I am truly immersed in mother nature's beauty,
Sitting up high in the branches of a treasured tree,
Watching the people wander by,
Exploring in areas unknown to me,
It's exciting discovering hidden paths to explore,
Running down hills as I have known freedom for all my life,
Turning excitement to calm, turning calm to excitement,
Up again in the trees, it's my favorite place to be,
Picking juicy mulberries left and right,
Sometimes I will run splashing into salty seawater,
Hiking through the hills, watching for koalas and kookaburras,
Climbing across rocks, exploring the rockpools,
I love our earth, this wise old planet