Walking into a hole of snow
I see a box of plastic waiting for me.
As I’m falling I’m getting frozen from head to toe.
But the box is filling up with water for me.
As I hop into a pose my face is frozen then my body.
I land on a white rock I’m also drowning.
I shrink into the size of a rubber.
Plastic little flakes of white and stars are making the rock disappear.
I’m getting painted pink, green, white, yellow, black and blue.
I see different boxes of mine looking the same.
They are going into boxes and then into vans.
As I’m in a box I freeze fully.
I get loaded into a shop.
A little girl buys me and takes me home.
I get put on a shelf with a unicorn and three puppies.
I stay day and night, day and night.
Just sleeping tight.
Now I’m just staying there looking around but none in sight.
Only toys and a little girl in bed.