I'm held tightly by a trainer
In proud and trembling hands
Placed gently over curious ears
Onto the neck of my young owner
And as we walk I think to myself
I wonder where we're going?

I'm thrown and tossed and jangled around
As my owner trecks through unknown land
Through streets and lights and sounds
But still my owner's determined to reach her destination
I wonder where we're going.

I'm hung proud upon my owner's neck
With the flashing and cheering and pats
As the trainer grabs the leash and walks
I wonder where we're going

The rumbling of wheels tussles me around
As my owner lays waiting unaware
That we've never seen these lights before
I wonder where we're going.

Our trainer steps out, and my owner stops short
A lady stands at the front of a house
She beckons my owner, so warm and polite
And we follow her, into the door
I wonder where we're going.

The lady is kind, and her children are too
I watch as they all grow taller
We work with our lady
Showing her the city, and keeping her safe
Our eyes being hers
She grasps the lead
I wonder where we're going

My owner is wobbling
Her feet unresponsive
She empties her stomach and falls to the ground
The lady has grabbed us, we're passed around
Until the familiar thunk of a car door shutting
I wonder where we're going

My owner is still
But she is not sleeping
I am reefed from my owners neck
And carried away
I wonder where I'm going

I'm home again, and my owner is too
I watch her sleep from the shelf
She is ever so gently shaken awake
And walked away
I wonder where she's going

My owner is pacing
Waiting to leave
Itching to travel outside a place
She can never leave again
The lady closes the door
I wonder where she's going

A stranger has come to my owner's place
The lady holds her firm by the lead
She is small and excited
So ready to learn
My owner steps forward
To greet our new sister
They walk side by side
I wonder where we're going

Sister leaves often now
To lead our lady as I used to
Though lately she's been slowing down
Today she looks sickly
My owner stares, worried,
As she's ushered away
I wonder we're she's going

Sister has returned
She's been gone for many days
I catch a glimpse of her
Small and sickly
As she's carried down the hall.
I wonder where she's going.

Sister is better
Her wound slowly healing
My owner does not leave her side
From my owner's neck I glance the lady leaving
I wonder where she's going

The lady returns
The familiar sight
Another stranger
Bigger this time
Another sister
Stronger this time
The lady walks by, the stranger by heel
I wonder where they're going

My owner has slowed now
Limbs tired and sore
The sickness has worsened
Her senses failing
My owner awakes and shakes off the night
Her sisters follow suit
I wonder where we're going.

I was taken from my owner
I sit still and cold
Devoid of my purpose
I wish for my owner
I long for her warmth
I wonder
Where has she gone?