Hanging around my neck lie the secrets of my life; who I was, who I am, and who I shall become.
It is cold to touch, yet it warms my soul and heart.
Glowing amber eyes of the wolf, the headpiece of this crafted jewelry, showing me the right path.
When sadness overcomes me, I hear the chilling howl of the wolf, reverberating through my soul.
I wander through life like I am lost in a forest full of pain.
The wolf around my neck guides me to the safety of the pack, swinging wildly like an amber of fire.
It holds my heart, my soul, my love, my everything.
All tucked up inside the little metal wolf, hanging on a silver chain.
The snap of branches under a paw, the crunch of leaves under feet.
My wolf lies silently over my heart, waiting for my call.
Glowing amber eyes, guiding me home.