Stop the Pollution
By Andrew D
Published 24 September 2023
Many years ago, the world was a lush, beautiful place, and there was no human desecration.
But then humans found oil and coal. From then on, the industrial revolution started.
Smoke was rising, and so was global warming, and soon, contamination was everywhere.
From then to now, it has only gotten worse, the ocean is filled with rubbish, and the skies are no better.
If you were an animal, how would you feel, if humans hunted you to extinction for no reason. The pollution would make it hard to breathe, and if you try to get a drink, all you see is rubbish in the water.
If you were a bird, your home would be cut down to make human houses, and the pollution would stop your breathing.
If you were a turtle, you would choke on a plastic bag, thinking it was food.
The trees are full of insurgency.
They rebel against pollution, with such urgency.
They try to help, by producing fresh air.
But try as they might, they cannot fight.
The polluted black air that invades their land
The way things are going, we don’t have much longer.
Instead of sitting around and wondering about what to do.
We must clean up the ocean, stop waste in the skies,
We must do this now, or else the world dies.