On my bed side table it sits there all day long
“Do you ever get bored sitting there?” Summer passes, Winter passes, All year round
Still sitting there lonely, watching over me.

As white as a fluffy frosted cake
A Blue turquoise gem perched proudly on the front,
It gleams and beams as sun bounces off it into the air,
The sunlight triggers the gem to captivate my eye.

The white teddy bear guards over the quilted indentations
Its elegant wings give it a license to fly, fly far away
but instead it stays with me close to my heart,
It stays and reminds me of my Aunty, sweet and mild.

On my bed side table it sits there all day long
“Do you ever get bored sitting there all day?” Spring passes, Autumn Passes,
All year round Still sitting there lonely watching over me.

Autumn walks with my Aunty, meek and mild
through leaves like a wild rug - orange, red and yellow exploding on the ground.
Bold colours and big letters Turquoise and December imprinted on the front,
Made with the hands of love and dedication for a delicate child.