Timeless years of memories encrusted,
Thousands of eyes, gazes burning bright,
An antique bringing forth clarity,
Innocent façade playing on emotions,
The mirror stood there, imposing, brilliant.

Reflection tainted by tears,
Sorrow twisted, like a clawed hand in her gut,
Begging to be acknowledged,
Accepted, allowed to move on.

Mellifluous music danced at her ears,
A perfectly executed symphony of strings,
Daring itself to be felt.
The illusion broke as the music stopped,
Heartbeat resonated throughout her body.

Tears fell elegantly,
Like a rushing waterfall full of hidden power,
Pooling into small puddles in her palms,
Longing danced under her closed eyelids.

Eyes snapped open to gaze upon the mirror once more.
Tear-filled vision stared back at her,
Unrecognisable in her grief,
Her reflection distorted and twisted,
The perfect mixture of doubt and self-pity.

Realisation sets in finally,
He was never coming back for her.