Trees sway in the wind as if performing ballet.
Bugs skuttle across the dry earth. Birds sing and bees buzz.
A creek laughs silently in the distance, flowing in no hurry to get anywhere.

It is peaceful.

Sticks crack beneath my feet with every step forward.
Bushes rustle with animals passing by. Flowers bloom and ferns unfurl.
Rocks knock gently against each other in time with the beat of my heart.

It is peaceful.

The sky clouds up and rain falls softly on my skin.
Tassie devils growl in the distance. Ladybugs flutter and leaves float.
I hear thunder crack above me as I continue my journey into the mysterious forest.

It is peaceful.

Lightning dances across the sky up every dark place.
Vines crawl up a nearby tress. Ants march and acacia blossoms.
Big orange fish glide through the babbling creek on their way to find food.

This is my home.

It is peaceful.