The Fox
By Neve W
Published 13 September 2021
The sun finally rests its drowsy head
Unaware of what will come next
The fox slinking off to hunt
Beginning to pull off an amazing stunt.
The rabbits bound off to the hole
It was time to rest their weary souls
The father, a sentinel soldier, soon to be executed
Will he pay the utmost contribution?
The fox, as sneaky as a master criminal
The trees tried to stop him, but the fox was invincible
Instead the trees yelled an invisible warning, but the fox knew what to expect
He soon had his claws in the back of the sentinel soldier’s neck.
The mother rabbit rushed out with a child
And soon sensing the fox was near, and sitting in the wild
She ran to fetch the others, and began to make a plan
That would make the fox run with his face in his hands.
As quiet as field mice, they ran out to make a stand
And in fear, tightly held each other’s hands
They pounced on the unsuspecting predator
And soon succeeded together, his executor.