The Glossy Black Cockatoo
By Ella W
Published 20 September 2022
The Glossy Black Cockatoo,
lots of feathers that is true.
Soaring, racing through the sky,
K.I bushfires are why.
They eat the seeds off the trees,
and they were free as they please.
but now that all may come to an end,
as we say goodbye to our fellow friend.
Suffering from such habitat loss,
oh, how much we’ll miss their gloss.
The bushfire smoke comes their way,
And forces them to fly away.
Glossies inhale the bushfire smoke,
and it forces them to flap and choke.
All though we cannot fix the weather,
we can all still come together.
Endangered and only have 20 more years,
and eventually, you will not hear their cheers.
Glossies are forced to sleep on the ground,
While you are asleep, safe and sound.