The GPGP is basically a garbage patch in the sea.
It fills up with rubbish day by day,
but how does it get there some might say.
First it is sorted, after it’s transported.
Some rubbish gets blowed,
and ends up on the road.
It rolls into the dark drain,
And then it starts to rain.
The rubbish gets in motion,
And finally ends up in the ocean.
The waves and tide pull rubbish across the blue sea,
then finally it arrives at the GPGP.
Straws, plastic who knows what more,
maybe even an apple core...
Then the sea life come in for a free meal,
they soon realise it’s not such a good deal.
The next day the fisherman fish,
maybe the next day plastic will end up on your dish.
Rubbish doesn’t taste good, all the fish agree,
That is why we need our oceans rubbish free!