A hopeless cry,
with millions left to die.
All they wanted was a happy life,
but all they got was a life full of strife.
Shunned wherever they go,
what to do with their life they do not know.
Living on the streets on cold winter nights,
with little or no rights.

Their children raised with no hope,
not knowing how they will cope.
A helping hand is all they need,
but all they get is people full of greed.
Not being able to witness the good,
the bad was the only language they understood.
Hungry and needy, they have no food,
for they have never witnessed a happy mood.

Until a kind angel finally came near;
embracing, they shed a tear.
That bad life was a long time back,
now I'm here, sadness is the only thing I lack.
That kind man,
with him my new life began.
I have an education, a job, a house and a wallet full of money,
now my days are all so sunny.

If only the rest of us
could get out of this fuss.
A hopeless cry,
with millions left to die.
But with your help life will be much more clearer,
you just have to come more nearer.