The Numbat
By Kieran N
Published 7 September 2021
The forest's trees waver in the wind,
Sweeping around thanks to the breeze.
The bushes rustle as a creature lumbers through,
Its long tongue lashing at the air,
Sniffing for termites, watching the ground.
The birds chirp their good luck, eyeing the floor,
The creature stumbles, thanks to a rock
And falls down a cavern, landing with a thump.
It stands right up, tall and proud,
A fallen down tree, dotted with lichen,
The creature sticks its head into the hollow space,
Scratching the bark, feeling the wrinkles.
Its long nose wavers through the trunk,
The walls of the log scuttle full of creatures,
Spiders and bugs, centipedes, and worms.
Searching for termites, sniffing them out.
It never gives up, always searching for a snack,
It squeezes through the opening, licking the wood.
The old bark peels off, decades of decay has revealed ants,
The Numbat has found its meal at last.