I’m nervous for the race.
Competitors were preparing, in aim of a fast pace.
My swim gear and goggles, laid out with care.
In no time, it will be my turn racing out there.

For months I’ve been training, for this Olympic event.
Swimming for my country, a great thing to represent.
Laps, laps, laps were done all to perfection.
I hope after this race, it’s not a rejection.

The time has come, swimmers stretch and fill the seats.
Into their own music, they calmly retreat.
Our names are introduced and then we get ready.
Standing by our starting blocks, my mind keeping steady.

We’re up on the blocks, take you marks…BEEP!
I power off the block and enter the water fairly deep.
As the metres fly by, swimming with all of my might.
I’m ahead at the turn, I never lose sight.

My legs kicking frantically, my arms super quick.
Gunning through that water, a win would be sick.
It’s close I can see it, the finish line ahead.
I’m as strong as an ox, I said in my head.

I touch, where did I come? First, second or third?
Awaiting the placings, not a sound to be heard.
Up on the podium I stand with a gold.
I’m proud to be Australian, the cheers never go cold.