The secrets
By Lilly-Anne M
Published 19 September 2019
It’s like life itself.
Just a sign yet worshiped like a god.
As ancient as the earth.
The secrets behind are like the criminals that took it from its home.
A sign to hide the time.
Ancient Egyptian enigma embodies time.
The royal reign respects thy sign.
Sometimes I look at it and think of my grandparents.
Memories hide the tails of time.
Memories hide the secrets of a former broken family.
Many times almost broken.
Many times hidden away.
Stolen from its own home away to another.
They shall never know the truth around.
An infinite story, the truth never truly known.
The worth to our family shall be like sin.
Too valuable to be pictured of or taken by anyone outside the family.
The family within shall never be forgotten.
Always forgotten, never forever.
The secrets forever around.
Friends and family only to see
Anyone else, protected from thee.
Only to be drawn not to be seen.
The Ancient Egyptian sign of life called the ankh.