Oh, your creamy fur gives me no little amount of delight.
Your soft black eyes resonant with my thoughts.
Small arms and legs make a large and warming heart.
Oh little teddy, how have you given me so much joy?

You have been with me since my birth.
You have come on great voyages with me.
We have conquered the world and beyond.
You and I, we were unstoppable.

Your eyes are ablaze with playfulness.
Your soft face is like the gentlest of mothers.
How I wish to play with your cushiony arms.
I wish to bring you with me to the ends of the universe.

Teddy, I dub your name as General Little Teddy.
You shall be the general of my heart.
Commandeer my hands, so that they bring tenderness.
Whisper in my mind, so that I never forget my comrades.

General Little Teddy,
My admiration for you is boundless
So I hope to never leave you behind.
You shall be eternally in my heart, and there you shall remain, forever.