The ways of nature
By Tristian T
Published 9 August 2021
The wind blows, a bird whistles, the rain patters, a seed grows.
The sun rises, the wind settles, the tree blooms, the bird coos.
Flowers are blooming, rivers are flowing, fruits are ripening.
These are the ways of nature, the ways of birth and the ways of life.
Fires are buring, tree's are screaming, animals are dying, and humans are watching.
Rivers are drying, parks are polluted, and the air turns stale.
These are the effects of lazy people the ways of destruction and the ways of death.
Trees turn green, flowers bloom, the air turns fresh, and the rivers turn blue.
Humans are planting, animals are living, the rain is pattering, and nature is lively.
These are the ways of nature, the ways of rebirth and the ways of life.