The Willow
By Deeon S
Published 11 September 2016
I sit under this great big willow,
Laying my head on the pillow of grass you stand on,
You sway in the wind,
I close my eyes,
I think of the good times,
Where I’d take my chances to touch the sky by climbing your branches,
They take me oh so high,
I think about the past,
How fast time flies when you’re having fun,
I’ll sit on this old rope swing,
Hung from this twisted willow all those years ago
I let my bare toes brush through soft grass bellow
If I sit here still enough I’ll never have to let go of memories held deep within your bark,
Oh I wish I didn’t have to go,
I wish I could stay and listen to all the stories you have to tell
Sadly I have to go so this is the part where I say good bye