Thickets of life and death
By Max M
Published 3 July 2023
Through thickets of thorns and tough tree trunks
Trampling light under pitch black shadows
A crusted green sky looms up o’er one’s head
And beneath are lakes glistening and littered with shallows.
Through thickets of memories a’flowing like water
And beauty, so elegant, turns to unseen,
But feeling of unsettling bark upon skin,
Brings forth one’s true spirit, the soul they had been.
Through thickets of life and beginning
Comes death.
Comes aching and breaking and doom and despair
Comes breaking of tree trunks that now are not there
Comes thickets of thorns now torn from their homes
Comes fauna aplenty reduced to mere bones.
Comes bursting of sprouts and saplings now grow
The thickets of thorns now return to their homes
And crusted green sky and shallow filled lakes,
Refill the world of it's long banished grace.
Comes room for new life and beginning
Through thickets of death.