This is where the broken things lie
Nobody pays attention to our cries
The dolly named Molly
The teddy named Freddie
And I
We were once full of glee
We were once free
But know we are trapped within these walls
Of the cupboard down the hall

I was an astronaut
I was a cook
I was a robot
I was a superhero from a comic book
But now I’m where the broken things lie
The only words spoken are soft goodbyes
As the days go slowly on by

We once all were at her tea parties
But now there is no tea at her parties
We once all got dressed up
But now we are lucky if she even check-ups on us
What were we to her?
Toys to throw away?
When she no longer wishes to play?
We are where the broken things lie

The door creaks open
And there stands her.
Taller than remembered and with a monsieur
She looks at us all and picks us all up
She is now a grownup
She takes us outside of the cupboard we are used to
And then they come into view
New children eager for toys
Some are princess’ and others cowboys
No longer are we where the broken things lie