This is my history, my tipaty tapping shoes!
When I put these shoes on, we have an adventure.
They fly across the stage with me, while my competitors walk.
That’s why these are so special.

My tap shoes come from a magical world
called my wardrobe.
I know this sounds ordinary but when we go inside it brings a lot of magic!
We share a secret signal so we know if something is wrong!

With its rough, black, leather coating it has a strong taste of laughter and might,
that makes me have a warm heart.
My tap shoes are like glass shattering and laughter clattering.
These shoes are like a heartbeat racing to win!!

It cheers for me at every comp I go to with a humorous grin!
It gives a spark to my life which makes me feel special and happy!!
Even when I’m sleeping I can still hear that clickaty clackity noise.
If I ever lose this sacred object I will straightaway make an app called 'find your shoe'.

I’d use it but if still lost I will hope that it passes life with many generations to come.
It smells of victory coming my way.
Which makes me say hooray!
If I ever remember more history, it will come from my clickaty clackity tap shoes.