Unto twice, linked back and to,
Ours in white we said “I do”.
Pathways strewn with petals and potholes,
Nappies and dinners, mother and wife roles.
Hand in mulch, suds, oils and thyme,
No dent in hers yet lining mine.
Promises, mistakes, love and shouting,
Coupled lives, journey’s layers mounting.
He her husband, to me my father,
Cancer took her, my dear mother.
Her band linked them to the two of us,
21 years and 3 kids linked in trust.
The dust, the fog, the Vaseline smear,
The way ahead a fate unclear.
A weld that is past, that is future and now,
Marks left on a world leaving little to endow.
Rings of gold, of smoke, water and dirt,
Embracing our hearts with joy and with hurt.
We learn to love, experiences love define,
Immortal bonds transcend, become divine.