Cars can come in all shapes and sizes,
They move with speed like jets taking off the streets,
Vibrant, red, they burn the roads they run on,
Cars want to show off and make people jealous, the reason why they rev before they race,
They want to win, win their race,
The nitro that bursts out of the exhaust, and the flames that spit out of the engine,
The race has started,
Both the cars speed down the tar like a bullet about to strike a heart,
Still, the wheels spinning as fast as they ever could,
The driver’s hearts bulging out of their very chests,
The atmosphere was incredibly intense,
But there was a winner,
A winner that won by just a few centimetres,
But all that mattered in the winner’s perspective was loyalty,
Neither he showed off nor he celebrated a lot,
All he had to say was good luck to his opponent and goodbye.