Lakes and rivers
And oceans around,
Take a visit to one of them
And garbage will be found.
Water deterioration occurs
As time goes on,
Keep on being unmindful
Until you realise your source for hydration will be gone.
A few pieces of plastic in our waterways
Probably doesn’t affect you that much,
However, it all accumulates up
Into one stupendous such.
Poisonous substances infect
Our precious water,
It chokes the poor oceans
And injuries our animals which end up in slaughter.
The water becomes a virus
It will become a health risk to drink,
Take a look at the water in the ocean
Sooner or later it will become extinct in a blink
Everyone one of us is affected
In a highly polluted area,
Cruel animal cullers
Will be left in hysteria.
Water won’t become clear
Until we take care of it,
Appreciate the world
Or else it will affect you in a bit.
Pick up that piece of garbage
Throw away that old rusty can,
If we do this
I’ll make sure that it will become a good plan.