By Maya L
Published 13 September 2021
The mother of oceans and roamer of seas,
Their movement enchants the ocean.
Diving and crashing in wispy waters,
Singing their song of the sea.
The beauty of Earth but the desire of man,
They were hunted near to extinction.
Outrage. Anger. This preposterous whaling had to stop,
So heads came together and the idea was dropped.
But with more threats to face, they barely thrive.
Oceans are warming, krill no longer survive.
Noise pollution screeches and screams in their gentle sea,
And man's worst creation has been set free…
Plastic! A cruel crude killer and a monster to the ocean.
The whales' shimmering home is now in jeopardy.
Saving the ocean must drive us.
We must stop overfishing and clean up our seas.
Reduce our emissions, reuse, reduce and recycle. Please.
So whales can roam. Freely, majestically, gracefully.
So their song of the sea will never get old.
So this beautiful species I will always behold.