The fairy tales she was told
as a young and hopeful soul,
of gallant knights in gleaming steel
who fight off scary trolls,
have made her yearn for a type of love
that’s never going to be.
Her hopes and dream, make believe,
All end in tragedy.

She realises that Prince Charming,
The stranger she once knew
Was a figment of her innocent mind

Anticipating a fairy godmother
to make her perfect, so that she
would finally be worth one’s loyalty?

The sparks that flew when Cinderella’s
Glass slipper slipped on perfectly.

Starting to think it was all a lie.

Hand written love letters
Swapped for Snapchats and sexts.

As Snow White wakes up,
Blessed by true love's kiss.
A pill is slipped into an innocent’s drink.
She wakes up pant-less and dizzy.

She watches Romeo see a stranger,
His eyes light up, as they meet hers.
In awe of her angelic beauty.
They fall in love while she waits,
Waits for the approval of the devil,
Whose charming façade has fooled her.