Forgetting for a moment the dangerous imprecisions of the spirit.

~ Bella Li from 'Rimbaud in Africa' 

Rhyming the Dead is a Red Room radio series that commissioned 10 Australian poets to create and perform new work inspired by a dead poet of their choosing. Rhyming the Dead poems and interviews with the past and present poets explore ways death permeates life.

Listen and download all episodes


The Radio Show 

EPISODE ONE: Secrets for Living
For full poems in text and audio:
Judith Rodriguez (Oodgeroo Noonuccal) | Renee Pettitt-Schipp (Judith Wright)

EPISODE TWO: Emotions are not Hawaiian Shirts
For full poems in text and audio:
Fiona Britton (Dorothy Porter) | Aden Rolfe (John Forbes)

EPISODE THREE: Chalk is Falling
For full poems in text and audio:
Bella Li (Arthur Rimbaud) | Jakob Ziguras (Stanisław Barańczak)

EPISODE FOUR: Hands Disappear Into Wood
For full poems in text and audio:
Melody Paloma (Jennifer Rankin) | Sam Wagan Watson (Martin Harrison)

EPISODE FIVE: The Eyes Of Those Who Came Before
For full poems in text and audio:
Abe Nouk (Maya Angelou) | Celestine Rowe (Tupac Shakur)


Produced by Maisie Cohen. Read her Reflection.


The video

Curious? Eavesdrop on some of the interviews...